Build the next big game

Game and player insights lead to better strategies

Build higher-performing, viral games using Retros unprecidented insights into mobile gaming, app and device usage..

Retro Data Solutions for

Game Developers

Threat Analysis

Learn more about your competition, their players and behaviors. Achieve this with deeper insights using device level trending analysis with change month over month and highlights of app movers. Discover leading apps and verticals, keep track of who you’re up against, and play defence against possible emerging threats.

Recommended Retros include but are not limited to:

  • iOS App Usage
  • Battery Life

Include Basic or custom demographics and optional survey data to get a complete picture

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Competitive Intelligence

Understand competitors relative progress by monitoring trending data over time on usage. Track changing user demographics compared to your own app.

Recommended Retros include but are not limited to:

  • iOS App Usage
  • Battery Life

Include Basic or custom demographics and optional survey data to get a complete picture

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Audience Insights

Understand competitors relative progress by monitoring trending data over time on usage. Monitor changing user demographics compared to your own app.

Recommended Retros include but are not limited to:

  • iOS App Usage
  • Battery Life
  • Chrome Browsing History

Include Basic or custom demographics and optional survey data to get a complete picture

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Retro has reshaped our approached to acquisition - It's been a game changer.

- Game Developer

How Retro can help

Game Developers


Discover leading apps and verticals, keep track of who you’re up against, and play defence against possible emerging threats.

Measure can provide weekly active usage in hours, active users (%), notifications and pickups by individual apps. Additionally get access foreground and background usage of apps including music and podcasts across iOS devices.

Get ahead of emerging threats!

Explore Retro