Young adult news consumption speaks to larger trends

Measure Protocol
July 14, 2020
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We ran a study among our MSR app community a few weeks ago to get a sense of two important metrics during the COVID-19 pandemic: how they were working and how they were consuming news. Our highly engaged members had quite a bit of feedback on these topics, and some of the results surprised us. Our CMO Paul Neto wrote more about how Millennials and Gen Z are consuming news, and what they think about the news coverage, for MediaPost. MediaPost has several online publications, including The Marketing Insider, that serve as resources for advertising media professionals and marketers.  

In the article, called "Millennials, Gen Z: What They Really Think About Today's News," Paul cites some statistics from our study. We found that these generations are primarily getting their news from social media (no big surprise there at 63%), but also watching TV broadcast news as a close second (61%). 

They also aren't being sucked in by the news, specifically during the pandemic. Paul writes: "Many of our respondents believed that the news they are consuming is not accurate, and is instead geared toward scaremongering (37%) or exaggeration (38%)." This is a nod to the ability of the younger generations to spot fake news as well, and other studies have shown that their older counterparts are actually more likely to share false reports.

After setting the stage, Paul writes a little bit about how marketers should connect with these audiences and rethink ways to connect with them, particularly Gen Z. He believes that we will need to find completely new ways to engage with them, as they seek deeper trust and meaningful exchanges. 

He concludes, "So, for example, providing users greater custody of their data, and providing guarantees for privacy, can help us tap into the insights from these important young adult audiences, and help us form communications that will resonate with them."

For the complete article, visit: