It’s time for organizations to help people take control of their own data

Measure Protocol
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Organizations are using personal data constantly to understand audiences, personalize services and guide decision-making. The problem is that this data actually belongs to individuals, who are starting to realize that their data has real value. They’re tired of giving it away for free. Paul Neto, Measure’s co-founder and CMO, writes more for Business2Community in his latest article, “It’s well past time: stop giving away your data for free.

While people are beginning to recognize that they need greater control and privacy surrounding data, they also enjoy the benefits the use of it brings when it comes to personalization. Add on the layer of new regulations surrounding data protection and moves by big brands like Google to limit personal data use, and this is becoming an issue that needs to be examined more carefully. Paul writes that “brands and companies have to get creative to get access to your data. And, in a way, it puts you back in the driver’s seat where you belong. After all, it’s your data, right?”

He goes on to cover some of the newest data unveiled in The Measure Privacy Report which indicates what our respondents say it will take to get them to share more data. They want privacy, fair payment, transparency and control. It’s up to organizations to listen and start to “create an environment where [consumers] are willing to share information.” 

One key message that we hear consistently in our research is that people are demanding fair payment for their data. Traditionally, in a survey situation, individuals are paid little or nothing for their participation. This is shifting as “companies that are asking you to actively share data are waking up to the fact that they must pay you fairly, or everyone misses out.” 

Paul concludes: “The landscape is changing. Worries about personal data protection and usage are being actively addressed. For you, this means putting the days of giving away your data for free behind you.”

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