Retro: The Solution to Passive Tracking

Sabrina Trinquetel
Image referencing the blog page title

The Solution to Passive Tracking

Our clients often describe us as the solution to passive tracking. 

It’s not that we’re against passive tracking, quite the opposite, we think there’s great potential in the behavioural data you can get. But it has its weaknesses which not only make it hard to use, but actually means it is not fit for all purposes. 

If you’ve never used passive tracking before, think about it like a fishing trawler. You’re looking for the Cod, and you get a huge amount of unneeded collateral that you can’t use.  If you have used it before, you’ll know how difficult it is to manage, use and how costly it can be.

We’re here to offer another solution that tackles some of the most challenging aspects of passive tracking, through our solution Retro.

Speed - Years worth of data in days rather than months

The nature of passive tracking means that you have to collect data from day one. 

That means, if you’re looking for a year's worth of shopping data, you need to wait one full year before you’ll have it all. Not so with Retro, we collect retrospectively (hence the name). So we can capture one years worth of Amazon purchase data in one go, like now. 

This also eliminates the nightmare of drop-out.

Getting people to do things is hard, and getting them to do it for a year is really hard. People change phones, switch off tracking or drop off for other reasons, and eventually your pool gets smaller and smaller.  It’s not that you’ll always need a year’s worth of data, but imagine a week, or months worth and not having to worry about drop out, recruitment top-up and missing data. 

Simplicity in a hectic world

Retro is simple. Don’t mistake that for ineffective. It’s anything but. 

We’ve spent a lot of time making sure operationally Retro is simple for the user to complete, (it’s all task based) and so we have some of the highest response rates around c. 60%.

Retro pinpoints the specific data you need and only collects that. Remember the fishing trawler of data, instead it’s like the individual line caught data. And you can see the difference.  We’ll give you simple, high quality, clean data files that do not need a data analyst to just open.

The quality and speed of Measure’s data was remarkable. 

Sameer Modha, Chief Strategy Officer - ITV

This means, anyone can easily understand and use the data. Extending its reach, its life and hugely increasing the ROI. It’s data democratization at its best.

Cost efficiencies: Don’t compromise on data for bold decisions 

Retro always works out cheaper than passive tracking. 

This was consciously designed through the methodology to help bring behavioural data into more conversations, insights and decisions across businesses.

We don’t need to sell you the benefits of behavioural data, (that’s for another post), but passive tracking by its nature has to be approached as a major component of a project, or in its own right. Retro is flexible enough that you can use it to supplement, support or track in a far more accessible way. We help you build arguments with the right bits of data, rather than compromising on bold decisions because you don’t have the data to back it up. 

Traditional passive metering costs 7x more

We thought we’d put our money where our mouth is, so to speak, and compare the costs of a passive tracking solution to Retro.

If you are looking for Search and Browsing History from 1000 users for 1 month: doing this through passive tracking will cost you in the region of 7x’s doing a Retro. 

This is a no-brainer for your data decisions. So, for more info, or to switch your passive tracking project to a Retro - get in touch here.